French Education System
EFLP follows the French National Education programme for all subjects. The Cambridge programme for English literature, math, and the arts. The Lao National programme for Lao language, geography and history.
We offer a fully immersive language environment in French, English, Lao, and Chinese from middle school on.
The nursery organises lessons in to 5 key areas:
– Learning and using languages
– Learning through physical activities
– Learning through artistic activities
– Developing the first tools to structure thinking
– Exploring the world, cultures and countries
During this first year of schooling we focus on adapting the lessons to the specific needs of each young child, and creating an inclusive environment where children live and learn together.
One of our main objectives is to provide an educational framework that allows each child to experience a successful, joyful, and engaging first year of education.
For detailed programme here, click here.
Cycle 2 organises lessons in to 5 key areas:
– Thinking and communicating using languages
– Methods and tools for learning
– Citizenship
– The living world
– Exploring the world, cultures and countries
Subjects include:
– French, Lao and English*
– Art and Music
– Citizenship Education
– Physical Education and Sport
– Exploring the World
– Mathematics
*All three languages are studied as a child’s first, second or foreign language.
A major objective of our “cycle 2” is to introduce each child to their own way of learning and build each individuals confidence in the demanding learning environment of the Elementary School.
For detailed programme here, click here.
Cycle 3 organises lessons in to 5 key areas:
– Thinking and communicating using languages
– Methods and tools for learning
– Citizenship
– The living world
– Exploring the world, cultures and countries
Subjects include:
– French, Lao and English*
– Literature*
– Art and Music
– History of Art
– Physical Education and Sport
– Citizenship
– History
– Geography
– Mathematics
– Sciences & Technology
*All three languages are studied as a child’s first, second or foreign language.
For detailed programme here, click here.
Cycle 4 organises lessons in to 6 key areas:
– Thinking and communicating using languages
– Methods and tools for learning
– Citizenship
– The living world
– Exploring the world, cultures and countries
– Critical thinking
Subjects include:
– French, Lao and English*
– Literature*
– Art and Music
– History of Art
– Physical Education and Sport
– Citizenship
– History
– Geography
– Mathematics
– Physics and Chemistry
– Biology and Geology
– Technology
*All three languages are studied as a child’s first, second or foreign language.
For detailed programme here, click here.
High School
High School organises lessons in to 10 key areas:
– The high school programs consolidate the knowledge acquired in middle school, ensure the transmission of solid subject matter and contribute to the intellectual formation of students.
– The programs allow for the construction of a common literary, historical, humanistic and scientific culture.
– The programs for scientific disciplines are based on theoretical concepts and train students in the singularity of scientific reasoning.
– They aim to stimulate students’ creativity and their ability to construct rigorous reasoning, to exercise their critical spirit, and to consolidate their civic education in order to become responsible and free citizens, aware of their rights but also of their duties.
– In modern languages, while consolidating their linguistic and communication skills, students deepen their knowledge of the geographical and cultural areas of the languages they are learning.
– The teaching of economic and social sciences, common to all students in seconde, and then in specialization, allows students to consolidate the microeconomic approaches necessary to understand the fundamental mechanisms of the economy.
– A new place for digital technology. “Digital sciences and technology” in 10th grade allows students to grasp the concepts of digital sciences, to understand the growing importance of digital technology and the major impacts it has on human practices.
– Some courses offer new multidisciplinary approaches: the common science course in Première, the speciality courses “Humanities, literature and philosophy”, “History, geopolitics, political science”.
– The programs give a new place to the mastery of language and the development of oral skills, notably through the practice of argumentation.
– The programs seek to establish a balance between the various learning periods: time for research, activity, and manipulation; time for dialogue and exchange, verbalization, and reasoning; experimental practice and modeling activities.
What are the common lessons in high school?
Moral and civic education, in 1st grade
Physical education and sports (EPS), in the 2nd, 1st and 12th grades
French, in 2de and 1re
History-geography, in 2de and 1re
Modern languages, in grades 2, 1 and 12
Mathematics, in the 2nd and 1st technological years
Physics and Chemistry, in 2de
Life and Earth Sciences (SVT), in 2nd grade
Economic and Social Sciences, in 2de
Numerical Sciences and Technology, in 2de
Scientific education, in 1re
General stream: what are the speciality courses?
History-geography, geopolitics and political science
Humanities, literature and philosophy
Foreign and regional languages, literature and cultures
Literature and languages and cultures of antiquity
Numerical and computer sciences
Physics and chemistry
Engineering sciences
Life and Earth Sciences (SVT)
Economic and social sciences
Biology and ecology (only in agricultural high schools)
What are the optional courses?
Physical education and sports (EPS)
Modern languages, in the 2nd, 1st and 12th grades
Languages and cultures of antiquity
For detailed programme here, click here.
International Education System

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